Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I am grateful...

I am grateful to be a child of God, who loves me and cares for me through my trials.

I am grateful for the opportunity to change my life and not let the mistakes of the past destroy my future.

I am grateful for the 12 step program which is like remedial repentance of those of us who can't figure it out any other way. The power of the 12 steps has helped save me from darkness.

I am grateful for a wife who loves me, supports me, and stands by me. She has suffered immensely due to my choices, and I am grateful for her charity towards me.

I am grateful for the Sacrament. The spirit and cleansing power I feel as I partake worthily each week is very valuable to me.

I am grateful for prayer, and the answers I have received every time I have knelt sincerely.

I am grateful for the spirit in my life. Nothing has protected me more, and helped me see the light.

I am grateful for the answers I receive when I ask the question "Lord, what would thou have me do today."

I am grateful for the men in my Addiction Recovery group, for their testimonies and their humility, and especially their examples of people who never give up seeking to make difficult changes.

I am grateful for priesthood blessings which have lifted my weary hand when I didn't think I could go on.

I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ which gives hope to any of us who desire to improve our lives and become like Him.

Most of all...I am grateful for the atonement of my Savior Jesus Christ. For the chance it gives me to change me life and be completely clean of the dreadful mistakes I have made. I love Him, and on this Thanksgiving I want Him to know I am grateful for the sacrifice He made for me.


Jared said...

Great post. I have found this approach to the Lord works.

Seth Adam Smith said...

This is a great blog. Keep up the good work! I'll be checking back and forth for updates! God bless!

Papa D said...

I found this blog through SilverRain's site. I hope you don't mind adding it to my blog roll and linking to some of your posts in the future.
